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Sign Language Alphabets in the World

    American Sign Language (ASL) The most used sign language in the world is the American Sign Language. Naturally, it is the dominant sign language used in the United States of America. It is a complete and detailed sign language that uses both manual and nonmanual features. Nonmanual features or nonmanual signals are elements of sign language that do not include hand movements such as facial expressions, eyebrow movement, head tilting and body shifting. They are used to modify verbs, adjectives and other adverbs. As we stated before, ASL has the same alphabet as English, but it is descended from Old French Sign Language. So the words are not expressed the same way they are expressed in the spoken language of English. French Sign Language (LSF) French Sign Language, or Langues des Signes Française in French, is the sign language of deaf communities in France or in French-speaking parts of Switzerland. There is an incredible story behind LSF. In 1760, Abbé Charles Michel de l'Epée

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